Wednesday, November 23, 2005

Trend setter

Now I like to think that I have a fairly unique taste in clothing and fashion sense. I am not saying I am the most stylish person out there but that I have a fairly unique way of dressing as well as keeping my eyes on what's out there.
Often I have noticed that the trends in Europe are at least one year behind those of North America. I am not sure why that is as generally Europe is known for his Haut Couture and trend setting ways. I just don't see it.
For example, the Poncho. Now I am a fan but 2 years ago not a poncho was to be seen here in Europe but when I was on tour last year in the US on my happy free day in New York city I found not one but two ponchos at Macys that I love and adore they were on sale to, telling me that the trend had already come and gone and the next was about to start. Then months after being back in the NL all of a sudden the poncho trend hit, everyone was all of a sudden wearing ponchos, children, women grannies.

I would like to make the same observation about Holey Soles, these are crazy holey rubber clogs have taken over the West Coast of Canada. In fact my friend Gudrun had been in Victoria before me last year and had asked me to bring her some because they looked like they might be very comfortable and looked really cute to. Indeed when I arrived in Canada I quickly noticed that many people were outfitted with some crazy colour of Holey Soles on their feet with testimonials such as I have 4 pairs, I live in mine, I never wear anything else and mostly with looks of contentment on their already laid back west coast faces.
I ended up bringing Guddi a pair of beautiful red ones and myself none... which I regretted since I trying hers on and quickly realized that I too could be converted to believe in these crazy clogs.

A few weeks ago I saw a very small article about the latest trends to hit holland and what do you know? There they were in all the technicolour glory under the new European marketing name Crocs! If you are looking for a little loving for your feet and don't mind standing out in a crowd then get yourself down to your nearest sporting good store and pick up a pair... You won't regret it!

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