Sunday, October 02, 2005

Space is colder than the air in the mountains where I come from

Someone mentioned a while ago that I do not have a photo of myself on my blog, hmm and you know what? They were right. I guess I know what I look like and if anyone really wanted to know they might search my log name and might just find one or two out there amongst the other photos that I have taken that are scattered along this beautiful wide web.. I must admit for all of Blogger's great points the one thing I just cannot be arsed to figure out or download to my computer is their photo software so that I can add it to my profile, I was thrilled when they finally added the ability to add photos to the actual blogs. Besides this photo is as good as it gets. Well almost as good, my very talented friend Paul from Victoria took it and several several years ago after applying his other amazing talent of cutting hair. If anyone is in the need to get their hair cut and styled by a pro in Victoria, B.C. then talk to me.

On a toally different note I was cruising one of my favorite blogs and decided to check out his wife's blog which is usually highly entertaining. one of her entries from a few weeks ago make me really wonder what exactly she might have been thinking as she was walking home from Wendy's with food for her hubby. Someone had written words from several songs written by her husband on the sidewalk leading to their apartment and the walls surrounding it. Now as creative as that may seem can you even begin to imagine what that might feel like?

I am a HUGE fan of Mr. Good's lyrics/music and integrity, he writes in a way that touches me in my everyday life, his CD's have been on heavy rotation in my somewhat dusty and large collection of CD's and multimedia since I first bought them. I find that I can always find one I am in the mood to listen to, I always find solace and comfort in his songs blah blah blah, I could wax on and on about his songwriting and musical talents. Hell even in my last post I think I mentioned one of them. So anyway it was just an observation, and I might have also stopped and looked at the lyrics and followed them to the apartment and maybe even taken a photo because I would have connected to them in some way. I can imagine that Jennifer might have felt like looking over her shoulder or checking the street before she leaves the apartment. I am not sure how I would feel in that situation, being not married to a rock star or celebrity but I can imagine that it might just freak you out just a little.

My guess is that someone wanted to show Matt just how much his music means and it does not seem sinister nor nefarious, but what do I know.

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