Thursday, June 23, 2005

Puma Fever!

It is pretty crazy when a whole country is talking about a Puma sighting, I can imagine back in the 50's when things like Big Foot and UFO stories became things of legends because of gossip and speculation. Now with our high speed technology and perhaps nothing else news worthy to talk about... Iraq, poverty, 3rd world debt.
Granted the Netherlands does not have any larger animals running wild much bigger than a small deer but wow the speculation and the Puma Fever is great! I was on a bike ride last weekend and at a stop light, a little boy was asking his daddy about puma's and were they as big as a pony and his dad said as big as a large dog.
The fact is that most Canadians I know have never seen an live one outside a zoo. I have been so lucky and have seen two in my life on Vancouver Island where I grew up and where oldly enough
Then the speculation happens, a zoologist was quoted as saying that it was almost impossible and it was most likely a Lynx because Lynx have been spotted across the border in Germany.
Anyway judging by the very blurry photo through the link in the title it could very well be a puma or a panther or a hybrid Big Cat.. or just a mud covered dirty Puma trying to cool itself off from the heat.
However you look at it, if it has survived this long (apparently 5 years) in the Veluwe then leave it be, If someone trying to emigrate to Holland either through asylum or something like it, stays 5 years then they automatically are given a permit.. why not the PUMA? He/ She has not killed any young children that we know of or eaten someone's livestock leave it alone!

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