Friday, January 14, 2005

2005 resolutions

So the month of January is almost over and the world has gone mad.... Well not really but natural disasters can be such a slap in the face. At this moment I cannot even bring myself to watch the news about it or see the terrible photos and videos it is just to much. My heart goes out to all those affected by this directly. It is such a terrible thing how much mother nature can devastate.
Sensationalism is such a crock and horrible way to sell tragedy. It was just like the 9/11 thing. I remember walking into our apartment and seeing the second plane hit in real time and being absolutely floored that something like that could happen.. But in the ensuing weeks/months and years it just got worse, sickening American propaganda.
Why is it that people want to watch such horror and catastrophe and also why do we reward the news and television stations that present these things by actually watching them.
On the other hand it is very nice to see so many around the world donating money time and relief to those in need.

I wonder often what would happen if the news was only relevant to current affairs and perhaps even happy all the time. What would actually have happened to the last elections in the US if there was no media involvement whatsoever! Without the Iraq thing, the 911 thing would he even have a chance at getting into office? I have my doubts.

Anyway off on a tangent.. Life goes on. People still rubberneck at the first sign of someone else bathed in the flashing lights of some emergency service.

Give yourself a task, next time you pass some accident on the hiway try not to look, next time a siren drives by your window; don't look and wonder what poor unfortunate person has just lost their life possessions to fire or worse.

Make a resolution of helping someone the next time you have a chance to.. Even if it is holding the door open if you see someone coming to it.. Even if it take a extra second or two it just might make you feel better about the world, and the person who did not get the door slammed in their face better too.

I will quickly quote from the song 21st Century Living from Matthew Good , cause he is just so clever. "....our ambition puts a non perishable food item in a donation bin at Christmas and then pats itself on the fucking back cause it thinks it done something decent"

Anyway, lets try and be better people, nicer people and more tolerant people for 2005. Forget your New years resolution to get, fit, thin, quit smoking etc etc. I'll bet that if you are better, nicer and more decent person in your being that you will feel better, healthier and more positive towards the world and that life we have to share it with.

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