Wednesday, December 28, 2005
Home for the Holidays
I decided that since there was a little over a week before I would arrive at home and nobody knew I would then surprise my family. I told my brothers and my Auntie Jenny who had emailed me the details of my arrival and that it would be a surprise.
Finishing up work on the 20th, going to the dentist to get my tooth pulled that evening and then spending a really nice early Christmas with Michiel on the 21st, I flew out on the early morning of the 22nd back to Vancouver.
A uneventful flight (with little or no sleep) I arrived in Vancouver and decided rather than risk my brother not being home I would contact my dear friend Jennifer and see if she was up for having me over; She was. I took the bus to her place. I had a shower and changed and then headed with her up and down her part of Main Street to look for last min gift items. Came back had a few drinks and then crashed asleep by 21:30 after being awake the better part of 24 hours.
In the morning I decided to head over to the Island and get up to my parents. I caught the ferry caught a bus and got into Victoria. I had called my little brother and left a message with his roomie Matt that I would be arriving around 2:30 and he could meet me if he wanted. I arrived and no Eric, so I decided to head up to the city to deal with some things I needed to get. I walked up Douglas across and zigzagged towards Lens and Shutter where I wanted to get some prints made and promptly running into Eric on the street on his way to meet me, late as usual.
We hung out a little, he had a errand to run and I had another errand to Roots to make so we split up and met up again later for coffee. After that he headed home and I had a few hours to waste before the bus. I called my friend Aaron and had a nice catch up and then decided to grab something to eat and ran into Matt who was working at the Noodle Box, it is such a small place! The sweetheart bought me dinner and I headed back to the bus station. I arrived in Mill Bay, called a taxi and had him drop me off at the driveway. I knocked on the door and after some time my mom answered with a look of disbelief on her face and her jaw hanging open, then my dad came from the den and he immediately said I wondered if there was something going on, Stella’s parents had emailed Christmas wishes and had hoped that they would enjoy it even more that I was coming home. Oh well my parents thought it was a miscommunication and they were surprised and I got to be home with my lovely family and friends for the first time in 4 years.
Christmas Eve at my parent’s house was always an open house with family friends dropping by for mulled wine and food. This year was different for the first time in about 30 years because the Pope’s were not there, but the Tillie’s were, Eric’s friend Keith was with us for the holidays and Blair dropped by with his parents. I had picked up older brother Chris earlier and Sarah brought over a very WIRED Alice and we all had some nice visits.
Christmas Morning was again slightly different, in the past I would often be up and jetlagged so I would take the dog out in the forest and enjoy the early morning. But our family home was very quiet this year for many reasons; Grandma had passed on earlier this year the dog in summer and Sylvia in November. So I got up and made coffee and read a book until more people got up. I remember as kids, barely sleeping and “sneaking” into the living room to check out the stockings; and sometimes even going back to bed to wait until the real morning. This year was funny because we were all getting up having coffee and such and then my Dad had to put his foot down and demand that we either go and get our stockings or the tradition would stop….
Breakfast and more lounging some Footie on the telly and then presents. I was really spoilt this year, it was just so nice to be there for the event. Afterwards I headed up to some family friends for a visit and catch-up and then came home to the preparations for the Family dinner where 17 were expected that is really amazing in fact we were only missing 7-8 Although I am not sure how that might have fit in my Mom’s Kitchen/ Dining room.
I like to think that I have a very special family, we all get along, we all like each other, there is no strange in fighting or anything just pure enjoyment when we are together.
It was My family and Keith (6) The Morgans (5) The Waelti and Campbell’s and Bruce (4) and my Uncle Frank and Auntie Jenny. After way to much food a some good laughs we swapped more presents and eventually most of them headed to their homes, After Eric treated us to some fireworks.
Chris, Eric and Keith had to leave early in the morning; I took my time getting ready and headed down to Victoria for some Boxing day madness. It was not as bad as the Hague on a regular Saturday so I did not really mind. I actually ran into Keith and Eric again downtown while I stood in line for the Lululemon shop and made a plan to hook up later.
Where I actually then ran into Ryen and really old and \dear friend from high school on the street again a small small city. I got Kelly her Holey Soles and Helen her Lululemon things and headed home again for the last dinner I would have with my parents until at least June.
I am now on the Ferry on my way back to Vancouver to hang out with my Brother Chris as he has the night off and spend a few days with him and Freya before heading back the NL on Friday.
I can only say that it was wonderful to be home to see my family and a few friends and know that it is possible to go home for the Holidays.
Sunday, December 04, 2005
The not quite X-Mas tour 2005

This weekend was quite busy with another two concerts from Marillion here in Holland and a visit from our dear friend Kelly Fox. It was with some anticipation and excitement that I booked off the Friday and got up early to pick up Kelly from the airport who had flown in to visit with us and see the shows from the US.
I had last seen Kelly on tour over a year ago when I was out living my dream on the road with the band, and we had a couple of busy but nice catch up days in DC and Philadelphia.
After a little chilling at home we drove to Tilburg to 013 had some dinner and got ready for the show, Michiel and I had photo passes and Kelly was being looked after by our friend Henk who was in a very Friday mood.
It was really nice to be in the photo pit as the last time was the convention weekend in March in the UK and that had a distinctly different vibe to it.
The set list was a varied mix of old and new, quite refreshing actually, even though Marbles was my favorite tour since I can remember.. it was nice to hear some of the old favorites that don't get played very often.

h and Pete were in very fine form, bouncing off the stage and the vibes from the audience, it must be all that Redbull Pete has been drinking.. maybe it does give you wings. h just seemed to really be enjoying himself and was very much into the audience. After the show in Tilburg I got a quick catch up with Quinner who I really had not seen since the tour and we quickly saw Mark and made a date to meet the next day for dinner in keeping with tradition.
I'll write more about the gigs later, photos are all from Tilburg as I have not finished editing the rest from Utrecht and I need to get out of the house and go shopping with Kelly before all the shops close early for Sint.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

I am not afraid of tomorrow, for I have seen yesterday and I love today
Thursday, November 24, 2005
The Little Prince

I found this quote in a book called Emotional Intelligence, by Daniel Goleman, from the story The Little Prince. Both are worth a read.
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Trend setter
Often I have noticed that the trends in Europe are at least one year behind those of North America. I am not sure why that is as generally Europe is known for his Haut Couture and trend setting ways. I just don't see it.
For example, the Poncho. Now I am a fan but 2 years ago not a poncho was to be seen here in Europe but when I was on tour last year in the US on my happy free day in New York city I found not one but two ponchos at Macys that I love and adore they were on sale to, telling me that the trend had already come and gone and the next was about to start. Then months after being back in the NL all of a sudden the poncho trend hit, everyone was all of a sudden wearing ponchos, children, women grannies.
I would like to make the same observation about Holey Soles, these are crazy holey rubber clogs have taken over the West Coast of Canada. In fact my friend Gudrun had been in Victoria before me last year and had asked me to bring her some because they looked like they might be very comfortable and looked really cute to. Indeed when I arrived in Canada I quickly noticed that many people were outfitted with some crazy colour of Holey Soles on their feet with testimonials such as I have 4 pairs, I live in mine, I never wear anything else and mostly with looks of contentment on their already laid back west coast faces.
I ended up bringing Guddi a pair of beautiful red ones and myself none... which I regretted since I trying hers on and quickly realized that I too could be converted to believe in these crazy clogs.
A few weeks ago I saw a very small article about the latest trends to hit holland and what do you know? There they were in all the technicolour glory under the new European marketing name Crocs! If you are looking for a little loving for your feet and don't mind standing out in a crowd then get yourself down to your nearest sporting good store and pick up a pair... You won't regret it!
Friday, November 18, 2005
More Dangerous than Bin Laden
"According to a opinion by the Canadian National Post, over 73% of all Canadians have a negative opinion of George W. Bush. While t least 38% believe he is more dangerous than Osama Bin Laden"
Brilliant!!! I wish they had asked me...
Can you tell I am motivated this Friday afternoon?
Busy weekend ahead. My friend Nishant turned 30 yesterday and today is his party I think to celebrate that the sky did not fall on him... or something equally drastic.
Sat is helping my friend Nadzyra renovate her new flat and Sat dinner with more friends.
Just the way I like it.
Sunday, November 13, 2005
The Butterfly

My friend Sylvia died this morning around 4:30 am at my parents home in, B.C. Canada where she has been part of our family and lives for the the past 9 years. She had been fighting cancer for the past 18 months.
Apparently my father had said when she first came to live in our house that in many cultures it was considered good luck to bring a healer into your home, and so she came to live with us and became a integral part of our lives. I can't describe exactly what she has brought to us in the way of companionship, friendship, joy, laughter, tears, healing, enthusiasm, cooking, life and light. She was a special person who touched everyone she ever met and always in a good way.
My mother told me that she had been suffering quite a bit the last few days and riding a roller coaster of good and bad for months. I am very happy to hear that she seemed to find peace in the last few hours before she passed away with her daughters at her side in the house she called home. I am blessed to have known her and had her part of my life, I'll miss you Sylvia!
Her memorial service will be held this Sunday November 2oth, which happens to also be her Birthday. I wish I could be there for my family during this time, but I am sure that the turn out will be more than significant as she was beloved by all.
Music in My Head
Friday started out with wanting to see Clap your Hands and say Yeah!, however the lineup to the second stage was so long we decided to go to the main stage and wait for Black Rebel Motorcycle Club who were great! I have no idea where they were from although I guess the US, but I really enjoyed the music. Next up at the big hall was Elbow. They had a fiddle player and a great band. I liked the bass player who sang and I liked their vibe. After we went up and met some friends at the Fiddler & Firkin pub and shut it down.
Saturday was a little slower day most of us who were trying to regenerate some brain cells. I cooked dinner for my friends and we headed back to the Paard for day two of the Music in my Head. We arrived a little late and went up to the main stage to see what was happening. The Frames from Dublin, I noticed a large number of Irish people in the crowd getting very into it. Near the end of their set we went over and checked out Absentee on the second stage. They were pretty good, and well add the keyboard toy you blow on and the bass player in the grizzly bear hat and it was a good show and the crowd was really into it. We went back to main stage to see Roisin Murphy, who was the singer for Moloko. I was really looking forward to her show, but somehow was quite disappointed as it seemed that aside from her fantastic outfits and headwear, she was on autopilot. In saying that though her band was one of the tightest bands I have ever seen, they must have been all studio musicians who decided to come out for a little European tour. I saw Moloko at Pink Pop several years ago and thought the energy that came across there was 10 times better than this one.
After again we were off to the Fiddler to meet some friends. This time deciding not to close the place down we left to get some sleep and be ready for our collective Sundays.
Wednesday, November 02, 2005
My sister
She has visited me in Vancouver when she was traveling the world and I was on one of my trips home, and of course we hung out while I was living in Germany and she was back finishing her university degree. Even her parents have visited and became good friends with mine.
Over the years more and more people seem to believe that we were sisters so we concocted a story about how I was the younger (by one year) half sister from Canada, we would tell people that we had the same Dad and different Mom's and years later we found out about each other. It just stuck and many people believed it too.
The photo was taken over 10 years ago.... but not that much has changed in either of us.

This past Dec she gave birth to Little Noah and as I had not yet seen her little boy or her for ages I decided enough was enough and I booked a ticket to Hamburg for last weekend.
I arrived Friday morning very early at Schiphol for my flight, and had a few hours to kill waiting for the plane. Like any good consumer I went shopping to try and kill the time, I even found a bottle of Dalwhinnie 1989 year old single malt. It was from the year I graduated High School so it makes it even more special to remind me of the last16 years.
After arriving and finally sorting out a bus to get me downtown I made my way to her house where we had a chance to chat before Noah woke from his nap, after we got him fed and ready and prepaired to go out. We first had lunch at a nice little cafe then walked around the corner and had a coffee where the coffee shop owner asked her if her sister was in town visiting.
We sat in the sun and really got caught up on what has been happening in our lives, I find it always amazing that with some friends you don't always have to see them or be near them to stay close we both mentioned that it did not seem as long as it was and were amazed at how much had happened in our lives over the past years.
Then we started walking through the park in Hamburg all the while chatting and looking at the beautiful colours and enjoying the warmest fall day I can remember. This park (which I cannot remember the name of) is really amazing and beautiful and big, it has a wide variety of plants, water, and paths to keep you occupied for hours on end, not to mention museams, gardens and things to see and do.
Little Noah was a Buddha like child sleeping most of the time or lying on his tummy in supported cobra pose (yoga speak) and getting all exited whenever a dog was near as well as being so sweet and checking over his shoulder to make sure I was still there and smiling a lot. What a doll. Her and I walked around and chatted for the better part of 6 hours, about everything you might imagine. But it started getting dark and we needed to head back to get Noah home.
After I left her place I walked quickly down into the shops to see if I might find my dream boots... The shop Stella pointed out had them a size to small and in Banana colour which is not really my thing so I headed to the train station and made my way to Bremen.
After a slight mix-up and another train to Bremen North I met with Guddi and Silke at their manager's house where he was celebrating his birthday. It is strange where people have their priority's. He is the exact same age as her and I and already 3 kids, house cars etc etc.. so strange to imagine that it could have been either one of us.
On Sat we took Anna (the dog) and headed into town to window shop and walk about in the beautiful weather. After "some" deliberation Guddi got a new piercing.. heehee wasn't that right Guddi-Girl? and just really hung out and relaxed.
On Sunday I wanted to go and wish a happy birthday to my German Mom, Sybille but her and Hans had gone on a trip somewhere so we took Anna out and went for a walk to the Harbour and then got me to the train just in time to catch it. I made it back to Hamburg, caught the bus the the airport and had a few hours to kill there before heading back to Holland. A whirlwind visit with my dearest friends, and a very relaxing one as well, no parties, no stress just girlfriend time made for a nice weekend.
This time not so much with a heavy heart I landed in Schiphol and headed back to the Hague.
Monday, October 31, 2005
Buck 65

Last Monday night Jacco and I went to Amsterdam to see Buck 56 a little known Canadian band making waves in the indy scene the worl over they were playing at the Paradiso small zaal and after a great catch up, dinner and a few pints of the G stuff we headed over to the gig. There was only one person waiting on the doors Matt from the UK who was most enthusiastic about the gig and told us all the about the show he had scene in Rotterdam the week before. but that soon changed as we all climbed to the top of the old chapel. The mainly student and stoner crowd seemed well into it and ready for the show. It made me wonder because there was only two mics and a turn table on stage. I had heard that he had his girlfriend come up and sing with him some of the time but it was unexpected that there was no band to be seen.
He came on stage with what I thought to be a Dutch Navy uniform and began to scratch and rap.. really quite funny stuff and the crowd was well into it but after an hour I thought I had seen enough and so had Jacco so we headed home with the thoughts that although it was not a bad way to spend 10 euros it was not that new and special, and that most likely we had seen it all before. Still it was a great chance for me to take photos and have them published on line for the first time at On last week and get to spend the evening out with my friend Jacco which is always a good time.
This week's concert is Jasper Steverlinck who was or is the singer for Arid, a nice Jeff Buckly like Belgium band who I first saw open for the Counting Crows at the Paradiso a few years ago and who is playing at the Paard in Den Haag which is always nice cause then you can be home at a decent time.
Monday, October 24, 2005
My Mom

My wonderful Mom was born on this day in Victoria B.C. in 1945 to Barbara (ne. Wolley) and Hans Waelti, she was born under the zodiac sign scorpio and the chinese astro sign rooster. She is the second oldest of 5 siblings and today she turned 60, which is amazing when I think about it, to me neither she nor my father seem or act "old", they both have such a good outlook on life along with thier youthful appearances and other than when I go home it seems her and Dad have shrunk some in size, but I suppose that is just gravity baby.
This weekend they had a small birthday party for her, only 18 of her closest family and friends came... I am sure it was wonderful as events in my family home are, warm and full of people to talk to not to mention the endless flow of wine and good humour.

That's my baby brother and Dad...
Thursday, October 20, 2005
The Tao Of Sith
I am fairly certain I have mentioned it before but if you in anyway like either Star Wars or just amazing writing style, then check out this blog... The Darth Side
Lord Vader has missed his calling.... I have wasted so much time (at work) in the last days exchanging this brilliant prose via MSN with a friend of mine.. Laughing out loud inappropriately in my own open office plan (I am sure he fared no better) it is terribly distracting and yet I feel myself not being able to put the dark lord away, I am inexplicably pulled back to him ....... just a wee taste.....
Wait a moment. Do you even know the difference between the light side and dark side of the Force?
It must be understood that the Force is, above all, singular. The so-called "sides" arise from differing matters of perspective. (If you study the way of the Sith you will find that many of the truths we cling to depend entirely on one's point of view.)The opposite of the singular Force is the all-encompassing void of death. Time began with the Force, and will end in desolation. This is the way of things, and an inevitable consequence of the flow of events from the past into the future.
Without the inertia of the fall toward the abyss, the Force would have nowhere to go.For in the chaotic tumble toward doom the stuff of the worlds enact loops of complexity that change the grade from life to death, introducing valleys, peaks and cycles. Between creation and destruction comes a flutter of improbability, a brief sonnet of meaning against the noise of time.
Life!It is the causal contagion that ties every ounce of us together through the network of the Force, our actions resonating against our almost-actions and our non-actions in a web of fleeting possibility that spans this galaxy and beyond. The beat of a child's heart detonates supernovae, the beat of a bug's wing tilts the orbit of worlds.
We are all connected.
Sunday, October 09, 2005
Great Saturdays
My weekend started out on Friday a little stressed and tired. I had a busy week and a few late nights. But after a nice relaxing evening and some much needed sleep I was fresh and ready to go to Amsterdam with a friend and enjoy a whole day out and about on the town.
Sadly it was not all fantastic because I seemed to have lost my discount rail card and got fined a hefty sum for it. But Anyway we got to Amsterdam and started the cultural experience with Foam. This gallery is mostly photographic exhibits of many diverse subjects. One was the World Press Photos from the beginning of the organization. As you can well imagine many of those photos are harsh and hard to take in as most are dealing with war, famine, strife, cultural clashes and other such harsh subjects, although I did see one about football which I guess when you think about it could also be related to war, strife and cultural clashes. But the other part of the exhibit that was upstairs was actually quite informative and interesting.
The next part of the gallery was Tian An Men square photos, exhibits and multi-media. Actually quite interesting. I like the photo of the guy walking his pet cabbage in the square, because apparently you are not allowed to have pets on the square and so many kids over there are trying to rebel against the system without getting arrested.
The next part of the gallery was connected to the World Press Photos - Things as they were. Also quite a mix of interesting articles, photographs and magazine clippings and covers. I quite liked the article and video about the Kennedy assassination, still very much a conspiracy! I love the use of the space in the building.
After a nice lunch on bagels we walked towards what I thought was the right direction of the Amsterdam History museum, in the end I caused a few detours but we made it. I wanted to go there because of the Seamans Tattoo exhibit I read about. But in those detours we got to window shop and enjoy the fantastic weather that was upon us. In my opinion the Tattoo part was a big disappointment with the exception of the actual tattoos of lost sailors kept in formaldehyde to help identify them if they were ever found dead.
The rest of the museum was quite amazing with many different areas to learn about the history of Amsterdam. I particularly like the areas concerning the people of Amsterdam and the area regarding the second world war and the occupation of Holland.
Dinner at Wagamammas and a couple of Guniness at Tig Bara, more drinks, talk and great company until the wee hours....
A great weekend indeed.
Sunday, October 02, 2005
Space is colder than the air in the mountains where I come from
On a toally different note I was cruising one of my favorite blogs and decided to check out his wife's blog which is usually highly entertaining. one of her entries from a few weeks ago make me really wonder what exactly she might have been thinking as she was walking home from Wendy's with food for her hubby. Someone had written words from several songs written by her husband on the sidewalk leading to their apartment and the walls surrounding it. Now as creative as that may seem can you even begin to imagine what that might feel like?
I am a HUGE fan of Mr. Good's lyrics/music and integrity, he writes in a way that touches me in my everyday life, his CD's have been on heavy rotation in my somewhat dusty and large collection of CD's and multimedia since I first bought them. I find that I can always find one I am in the mood to listen to, I always find solace and comfort in his songs blah blah blah, I could wax on and on about his songwriting and musical talents. Hell even in my last post I think I mentioned one of them. So anyway it was just an observation, and I might have also stopped and looked at the lyrics and followed them to the apartment and maybe even taken a photo because I would have connected to them in some way. I can imagine that Jennifer might have felt like looking over her shoulder or checking the street before she leaves the apartment. I am not sure how I would feel in that situation, being not married to a rock star or celebrity but I can imagine that it might just freak you out just a little.
My guess is that someone wanted to show Matt just how much his music means and it does not seem sinister nor nefarious, but what do I know.
Friday, September 30, 2005
We got there as the opening act was half way through. Had a few beers and waited. The band consits of the usual bass, drums, guitar, piano and somehow typically Belgian a violin.
Sioen is the last name of the singer/songwriter Frederik, who once they were finally set up and ready to go sat at a piano front and centre stage it started with just him and yes the violin player for two songs. He does not have a mind-blowing voice but is charismatic and can sing sweetly enough to not let it be an issue. They are all quite talented and according to Martin even tighter now as a band since the first time he saw them over a year or so ago. The songs were well written and presented flicking between sweet pop and somehow Deux influenced chords and style.
All in all, a really nice way to spend a Thursday night and 12 euros. Well plus 15 if you add the new CD I bought from them, Ease Your Mind which is really quite good after only one listen again this morning.
Other CD purchaces this month include:
The New Pornographers Twin Cinema, talent oozing as usual.
Matthew Good's newest In A Coma, which is a complilation of his career in a great package of 2 CD's and a DVD. CD one has 2 new songs one of which might have some of the catchiest lyrics yet "Oh be joyful, cause that shit spreads".
CD two is 9 acoustic versions of his songs from the past 10 years and two of his little EP releases, one (Loser Anthems) of which has some of my favorite Matt songs on it. Oddly enough I had not had the chance to sit down and watch the DVD yet but I am sure to be impressed as I have only seen maybe 2 of his Videos not being exposed to many Canadian Music station on television here, that also being something to look forward to.
And on my stereo now is David Grays latest Life in Slow Motion, which at first listen is really nice and typically David Gray which is certainly not a bad thing.
Up coming gigs: Buck 65 at the Paradiso in Oct and Jasper Steverlinck The singer from Arid in November again in the Paard, and being very tempted by the 2 day Music in my Head festival at the Paard which has quite a good line-up. Other than that nothing else of the top of my head. Although I am sure to get provoked by Martin at some point and be introduced to yet another new musical experience. Cheers mate!
Monday, September 19, 2005
Bon Jovi

It was kind of fun to be singing along to the songs that I knew, and not so fun to be there for the songs I didn't. But all in all not a terrible way to spend a Friday night, especially after a great shopping spree and dinner at my favorite Irish Pub before hand.
Anyway there were a few songs from the extensive repertoire that were not played but in the end it was a listening party for the new album Have a nice Day so I guess they were obliged to play some of the new tracks. Which to be honest are not really my thing any more.
The one thing I can say after seeing more than one nostalgic blast from the past in the last few years is that they have aged well at least from the 20 meters back where I was standing.
I am not what one might call a fan, certainly not compared to come of the people that were there on Friday night, I even saw hair there that made me think back (and cringe) what mine might have looked like in 1986... Ladies that much hair spray is not good for the enviroment let alone your hair. But speaking of hair, the question that has been niggling away since Friday is....
WHAT HAPPED TO BON JOVI'S CHEST HAIR? Did some stylist come along when he was trying to break into the movies and say, you know Jon the ladies would really love it if you took it all off and became as smooth as a babies bottom, forget that macho stuff from the 80's lets heat up that wax....

Oh well does it really matter, thankfully his leather cod pieces went away with time as well as he is in dam fine shape for his age.

Last week I went to a concert at the Melkweg in Amsterdam on the recommendation of my friend Martin, who had a few months before gone to see this band and had been blown away by them.
I had already heard the music and was a little concerned that it might be a little to proggy sounding for me.
But first I must mention the opening band Miss. Antartica who I thought were quite good, they reminded me of a nice Placebo. No one else who was there with us thought they were any good but I guess that is what makes the world go round, the simple fact that we are different.
The singer of Dredg has one of those very high voices like he might have taken classical training and then to watch him on stage was like someone had torn a page from the Jim Morrison book of stage craft. And dam near impossible to take photos of cause he is constantly moving with an energy that that of an autistic child.

The rest of the band (guitar, bass and drummer & keys) were all intense guys in their own right and seemed to be set apart from one another. There was no interaction between any of them on stage aside from the guitar player facing the drummer once in a while but he could have easily been listening to his amp, they did their parts and that was that. The singer also played a slide guitar set on a table, he teased the strings with different objects such as a drum stick and what looked like a knife. But this allowing him to not at all interact with the audience.
The show was quite good there is no denying their talents, and entertainment value was high. At the very end of their set they have their 2 roadies come on and start disassembling the stage as they are playing. The drums get taken away, the bass guitar and then the guitar and the singers mic when all their is left is the drummer (without drums) playing his piano with single minded intensity.

I think it is good to get a taste of new music once in awhile and I am glad I went on a Tuesday night to see them. I will probably not again but not because they were bad but because they did not grab me like they could have.

The opening band was a Dutch one that is worth mentioning. They reminded me of a nicer Placebo, and I thought they had something to bring to the club as well.

Sunday, September 11, 2005
Coolest brother ever!

Saturday, September 03, 2005
Usedom (Uznam): 27-28. 08. 2005

Now If I am not mistaken I have attending 6 Sea U Site parties in 7 years, sadly only missing last years 2nd Ruegen Island party due to unforeseen circumstances.
and this time USEDOM .... even more photos click here.
The last few years my dear friend Jacco has come along and we have had a grand time, singing and being silly in the car or commenting on all the beautiful people.
My plan was to sleep a night in Bremen at Guddi's and after shopping for food, packing the van we would be on our way Sat morning. We did not bad and were on the road by 12:40. The drive takes quite a few hours in an older VW bus like hers, but we had Anna to keep us alert and awake by her non-stop (for 6+ hours) squeaking and barking. Thank the gods I have ear plugs!
Just after Rostock at a rest stop we met with Gunner, Toby and a friend from Hamburg in their VW bus and we decided to caravan to the Island Usedom together, but not before I embarked on a highly dangerous guerilla mission into a mini-mall for bananas.
Just as we crossed the blue bridge to the island, Jens called to let us know that the police had already blocked the entrance and that we should find a place to park near Peenemuende and take a walk on the beach and wait for further updates. We pulled into a small parking lot about 2 km from the entrance with many other people and decided to have a look around.
According to this was during WW2, an extremely important site for the testing of the V1 & V2 rockets, after the war according to agreements the Soviets said they destroyed the whole area, but this many years later the forest that surrounds the old site is quite beautiful and quiet all the way down to the beautiful beach. Go through the link for more info, it is really quite fascinating.
The police I think were being quite reasonable, but not knowing what to do with the many hundreds of people who just kept showing up and invading their little island.
Guddi and I after exploring the beach, meeting with a few others walked back to our parking spot to meet with Jacco who had just taken a tour of the whole Island and had ended up in Swinemünde at the Polish border, because apparently there is more than one blue bridge on Usedom.
We then sat and chatted with the Hamburg boys while they Feasted on Fleisch (BBQ’d) and drank some wine. Guddi went to bed and Jacco and I headed to the party place with the boys, our sleeping bags and a airmattrass with the idea how nice it would be to sleep under the stars.
The movie theater was open and the bar, and then later some music was coming through the trees, we sat on the beach and had some drinks, and not to much later fell asleep under the stars which was great until I woke up.
I was not being able to feel my right side of my chin, it was as if I had been to the dentist the night before and had some dental work done, as we made our way back towards the bus I got bit by a mosquito under my eye and it started to swell up until I felt I could see my upper cheek Waah, for a short while I was a very unhappy girl. But we got back to the bus and made coffee and breakfast and gave Dirk his Birthday presents, he was so happy with his two pairs of sunglasses that you could not help but smile along with him.
After freshening up Jacco, Guddi and I headed back to the party area and spent some time on the beach first just watching the beautiful scenery, chatting with friends as they came and went and then watched the police helicopter circle over head almost the whole afternoon, what a waste of police resources! We were discussing how one might catagorize the kind of techno music that is played at these parties because people often ask me what kind of music it is. Guddi came up with MFT (Mädchen Freundlich Techno) which I thought was a really great way to describe it, Girl Friendly Techno music.
At some point a U site person came along and asked everyone on the beach to come to the dance floor and “Greet” the police of course to stay calm and friendly during the time they are here. So we packed our things and headed over to the wonderful little meadow where the dance floor was built and waited. The theme song for this event was appropriately the Beastie Boys: Fight for your Right (to Party), the whole dance floor was hopping and jumping and generally in a great mood.
Sven told me there was a girl from Canada there and brought her over to meet me. She was not only from the West Coast but from Cortez Island. How small is the world really. I forgot her name (sorry) but it was nice meet someone who maybe has some idea why I love both countries so much. And she had a great eye for fashion and recognised Guddi's "Holy Souls". Peace on West Coast girl, good luck with your life in HH!

But it seemed they were discussing terms, and with full agreement of everyone there we were allowed to keep dancing until 7pm and must leave the property before 10am on the Monday morning. So off went the police, dogs and chief back to their vans and we continued to dance and have great fun until 7pm. When it was over. I wanted to go back for more drinks and something warmer to put on, so Jacco, myself, Dirk and Sven all walked back to the cars to pick up supplies so we could be nice and cozy on the beach later, as per tradition.
The usual suspects where at the party Sandra, Jens, Matthias, Andre, Marco, Jenny and a surprise to me, Irene; who I know I have not seen since at least last years Fusion.
Anyway we headed back towards the party with drinks in hand and met back with Guddi and a few others and headed towards the beach for more drinks under the stars and good company.
After some time I had the inability to keep my eyes open and headed off to sleep, sadly I would have loved to have stayed up longer and enjoyed the environment but I just could not. At some point in the night I woke up to find two more people in the tent with me, Sandra and an unknown sleeping bag and body. Quite funny.
When morning came I made my way back to the parking place to have coffee and get ready to go.
The rest of the Guddi and HH boys were all going for a swim in the ocean before heading back, but Jacco and I decided that because of the 8+ hour ride ahead of us we better get going as soon as possible. Guddi made us a wonderful breakfast and we basically said our goodbyes. I actually don't remember feeling quite so sad at saying goodbye at a party like that before, it was just all so nice and cozy and I wish it could have lasted longer. Oh well until the next years Fusion at the latest.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

I arrived back in the NL last Thursday and uneventful but long and hot flight. with one day to rest and making up with my cat before we headed north to the Lowlands Festival. This is one of the better summer festivals in Holland, with 3 days of a massive line-up with acts for almost everyone’s taste. I must admit I was not really in a "I have to see as many bands as possible" mood and the jet-lag was making me pretty tired. I regret not seeing a few of the bands that played, but did see a few that inspired me to stay and watch the whole thing.
On Friday I wanted to see Juliette and the Licks, but I had just gotten to the press tent and did not want to walk to the other end of the festival just then. So in fact the first band I wanted to see was The Doves who had cancelled, and the band that replaced them I don’t recall what they were called, next was the Kaiser Chiefs who were a typical Brit-rock band from the UK, good fun and nice to see even though the singer had hurt his ankle he still gave a pretty good performance. Up next was The Bravery who were another Brit-pop band. Franz Ferdinand was the last one we saw on Friday, in fact they were quite fun and enthusiastic to watch for a wee band from Glasgow. After which I decided to skip both The Prodigy and Royksopp as much as I wanted to see them I could barely keep my eyes open and we still needed to drive over an hour to get home.
Saturday was a find day at the lowlands festival, warm and sunny and just the right temperature to make people want to drink more beer. The festival seemed to have picked up a notch from the day before, more people in strange outfits, some great tee-shirts and a few entertaining things along the way between the stages. One thing that really caught my eye was the Silent Disco, people were really into it, and great fun to watch. We got there just as Apocalyptica was beginning so I missed them again, but I was quite excited because Death from above 1979 was playing on one of the smaller tents, this band I have only just gotten into on the prompting from my younger brother. They were great fun to watch not only because they are Canadian but because they only have two guys playing in the band, which is quite fun and full of great energy. After which my most anticipated band was Arcade Fire, another Canadian band making waves all over the place right now. I stayed to the end to watch them, they were FANTASTIC, right up to the drummer climbing to the top of the speakers with his drum, I am sure the security loved it; I am know the crowd did. Sadly Vive la Fete was playing at the same time and I made the decision to skip them. After was a bit of a wait for me, I skipped the Pixies and was waiting for Marilyn Manson, as usual a huge show with loads of lights and effects and larger than life Marilyn with all the stage fun to go with it. Then it was time to head back for a nights sleep
Sunday was a slow start, but arriving in time for Morcheeba narrowly missing Korn. Morcheeba was not what I expected because there was a new girl singing, apparently the singer no longer wants to tour so they have brought in another woman to sing on tour. She did a pretty good band, but it was not quite the same. Then I wanted to see The Dresden Dolls, who also had cancelled so we went instead to see Sons and Daughters who were ok, needing some energy on stage, but I can imagine they were quite nervous to be playing. All the photographers headed over to Queens of the Stone Age, but we decided to go and find some food and ended up in front of a tent with perhaps the most energetic band at the festival, even more so than Arcade Fire. Cheb Balowski (sorry the link was all I could find) was givin’ it all and the over stuffed tent was taking it all with enthusiasm. The music sounded like it had Polka, North African, French and Gypsy music all squished in, I could not tell how many people were on stage but there were a lot, I cannot recommend enough GO AND SEE THIS BAND if you like music that you can’t help but dance, jump and cheer along to. After they ended we decided sitting in the Sun and drinking a Witbeer was a great option while we waited for Heather Nova. Which was also worth the wait, and who drew an astonishingly large crowd. She was photogenic, sweet and played really well and I was happy that I caught a chance to see her play live. After that I had no desire to see anything else and call it a nice and early night as we both had to work the next morning.

A few things that were quite funny by the festival, the large screens near all the stages, which showed some silly filmed things like “Pimp my Tent” & “Low Land People” shot from a camera on a stick walking through the crowds. There was also a cooking show of what nice dinners people on the camping place were cooking, filming people brushing their teeth and washing their faces in the communal washrooms. I loved the portable Dance floor and DJ’s that was driving around in one of those little 3 wheeled vehicles. I would say it was a job really well done, even Mr. Jan Smeets seemed to be having a great time when we saw him backstage, and he should know running Pink Pop all these years.
Monday, August 22, 2005
Whale of a time

I have to say that is is not easy saying goodbye with perhaps the knowledge that it might be the last time that I see her. My parents took me to the ferry to try and catch the 4pm, and just as we got there they would not sell me a ticket and I had to wait an hour for the next one. Which wasn't so bad but frustrating with those kinds of emotions swelling up inside.

5pm came around and me and the zillion other tourists and commuters got made their way on board, got our bus tickets and found a half decent spot on the outside desk to pass the 90 min ride. About half way across during the crossing of Active pass, the captain announced that there was Orcas on the starboard bow, my entire life I have been taking the ferry and have never seen such a sight.

There were around 15-20 in total, split in several pods, feeding off what I guess was a big salmon run or herring. What a site to see, beautiful black and white beauties with their babies in tow and teaching them how to hunt. It felt a little like it was a gift to behold.
I after the ferry I got into the city and made my way to Jen and Merlyn's place, it was so good to see them after so long and because they are my closest connection to my life in Holland in Vancouver. We made our way up to The Main on Main street and had a great catch up.
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Celebration of Life

One of the reasons I came back home was because our friend Sylvia was told that she should just go home and enjoy what time she has left of her life. This has been hard on everyone who knows Sylvia, she is the kind of vibrant and alive person who we all wish we could tap into her energy and enthusiasm. The tumors grow in her every day and she is trying my types of things to perhaps slow them down, but unfortunately according to the doctors to no avail.
What was decided on was a celebration of life party in her honor.
If we build it they will come, my father and his friend built a stage in the back yard, and people came from all over our community to celebrate life.
there was the marimba players, guitarists, singers, keyboards, choirs, sing-along, Alice, dancers and many more. Not to mention that they all brought food and drink as well.
What a great party and what an amazing turnout, I guess if it was my time I would much rather have the party before hand than after when I couldn't enjoy it.
If this truly is Sylvia's time to go, then I hope she knows just how much we have all been blessed by having her in our lives for whatever it is she has brought to us as a mother, friend, teacher, healer and compassionate human being. WE LOVE YOU SYL.

He was the kind of guy you would be either scared of or not in class but in the end he was a great teacher and friend, and a huge inspiration for myself and quite a few others I knew, he always let us focus our talents as we saw fit. And I am pretty sure I am not the only one who was touched by his ability to pull out the best of us during our time in his class.
We met for some Serious coffee one morning while I have been back and it turned into a 4 hour chat about everything under the sun, really great!
Mr. C enjoy your retirement and thanks for all those years of pushing us to be our best, even if we had to listen to CCR during it.
Saturday, August 06, 2005
Home Sweet Home
I have come back to spend some time with my family and friends, and to attend what should be a crazy celebration of life party for our friend Sylvia. She says it should be a reminder and celebration to everyone who will come that life is not to be wasted but we all know it is for her.
I arrived yesterday, took a taxi to the ferry enjoyed the ferry trip in the sun and then got picked up by my parents and after som,e shopping and coffee came home.
I have been swimming in a beautiful river, seen 2 live deers in the back yard and just been enjoying the sites and smells of summer here. Yesterday I was in Victoria met with my Brother saw his friend Matt who is also a miracle on legs. This kid a fw years back was just getting back to school, had enough talent to be a fantastic graphic artist and a great surfer to boot. Drove off the road one night coming home from work and ended up in a coma and later a wheel chair having being told he would most likely never walk. He does now, he has regained his speech and many of his motor skills. Of course he is not good as new but he is still alive and able to function in life. It is just so sad.
After Eric and I went for lunch and window shopped, I amused myself by watching all these girls throw themselves at my baby brother in a 3 block radius, I headed over to my friend Paul's for an appointment.
Paul and I have known each other for years since I was about 18 I guess, he has been cutting my hair since then as well, and it is a nice way to catch up with my friend in Victoria when I am back. Afterwards we went for a quick bite to eat before I headed home. So nice great looking hair and a good visit as well. Oh and Paul is the one who took the best portraits of me ever!! He is also an extremely good photographer. Pity I have not updated those pages in forever!
It may sound boring to some, but this is home sweet home to me.
Friday, July 29, 2005
Ali Warhol
Good thing too, the next day I felt as though every joint in my body had been stiffened with out any exercise at all. I guess it was a flu without the stuffy head business. And way on top of that I had to go to the dentist because I know there was something wrong in my mouth, and sure enough the only tooth in my mouth to ever give me trouble has had it's last days, it pretty much has to come out, initially I was not happy about that but then thought hey it is a bothersome tooth why not say adios to it and have it done with?
Then my boss and 50% of my colleagues have been away on their summer holidays, for me this is the best time of year to get things done without too much distraction. Mostly this concept has worked and I have been trying to finish all the projects that I don't get to often enough because when everyone is here it can be kaos.
Last night I was at a leaving do for three colleagues, it was quite interesting one from the UK, one from Australia and one from Cairo, Egypt and his name is Ali.
Now Ali is The Man, this young guy comes from a very interesting family in Cairo and he has set out to gain experience in the big wide world and see where it takes him, and yet he hardly knows the first thing about his ancient ancestors. Aside from that I think he has done quite well for himself, made many friends here in NL, has traveled and has won the hearts of many of us male and female alike with his good nature and pleasant company. According to popular ledgend he is just as popular and liked in his home town, and friends of mine who have met with him there tell me to be a friend of Ali's can do no harm.
Helen had a brilliant idea for his leaving card and I had the photoshop to do it. Imagine if you will a strapping young lad with a head hair that resembles a brown sunburst of varying thickness and curls, very cool.
All the guys in the office have told him to get it cut and some have (I'm guessing they are either jealous of the quantity or know whets in store from their own gene pool) tried bribery, most of the girls think it is just darn cool. I have make Ali promise me that he will not cut it off for anything less than Â200. So Helen's idea was to take a photo ofAli'ss head and then make him like a Warhol painting, pretty cool huh? I have decided to print one and hang it in my house cause it is so dam cool.
Needless to say it was a big hit, Ali himself kept saying how much he loved the poster and that it was the best card he has ever received in his life, now if that is not the nicest thing to hear.

Saturday, July 09, 2005
Fusion Festival

It has taken me a whole week to write about this experience I had last weekend, number one because I was so dam tired after getting back and had so much to do I could not make the time, the second reason was also because it was so much to take in it has taken me this long to sort through my thoughts and memories.
It started by me getting to Bremen on Wed evening a few hours later than I wanted, but it was really nice to see my Guddi-Girl again, she we had not managed to catch up since sometime in Dec or Jan last year. Far too long.
Thursday it was decided that she was feeling better enough to go to the party so I shopped for food and drinks and she cleaned out the van and about 4 hours after we decided to go, we left picking up Henning along the way, Henning was also a Fusion virgin so nice to have a newbie with us for the ride.
It took us I think 4.5 hours to get to the part of former East Germany where the party is held "einmal jahrlich punklich sein" (sorry I don't have Umlauts on my laptop) It is a great piece of land, a former Soviet Air Base with covered earthen hangers for the MIG's and such. We came off the autobahn and just a few klms down the road came across the craziest traffic jam ever! It took us another 4.5 hours to just to the the entrance of the place in total a 5 km crawl, and then 6 rows of cars trying to get into the camping place it was total kaos! We were met by Sascha who got us into the back stage and Friends area near the "workshop" hanger and luckily did not have to get again into a line to try and find a camping spot in the middle of the darkness.. thank goodness!!!!
Deciding to just get it over with and set up the tent and car we finished just as the sun was rising and greeting us for the day. At first we were alittle sad that we were not near any of our friends, but after seeing how they were all crammed in like sardines we quickly became happy that we had the place we did, and that it was quiet (I actually did not have to sleep with ear plugs for the first time in years at a party) I think we had a few people drop by and say hello, had a few drinks and then GG and I tried to get some sleep.
Waking up on Friday late in the morning was great, I felt totally fresh and ready to go. I think we had a couple of more visitors and then decided to go have a look at the land.

Each year it is basically the same layout with the Main Rocket stage being in one of the hangers, the Lake stage, Tower stage and the Shoebox and Datscha stages each inside the hangers, as well as a new Tent Stage this year. There is also a movie theater and performance theater as well as some kind of living arts "Free Radical" bar each, inside hangers. The Goa dance area is nicely tucked away at the other end of the festivities, and thankfully we mostly don't have to listen to the music or see the day glow colours.
As Guddi and I were walking along the area I was telling her I could hear a horse, after about three times we saw it come around the corner. It was incredible made from all kinds of metal and parts it came rolling down the road. It's head, ears, neck could all move wow. If I can figure out the add photo feature of this program you'll get to see it as well.

I don't remember a lot from Sat afternoon and evening. I remember running into Matthias and then after a few drinks I really needed to get some sleep.
Sat morning I really just needed to relax, some friends from Bremen came by for a visit and a drink. I was reading my new book Transmission which reminds me a lot of Douglas Coupland's style but a good story and kept me reading.
Later we wandered over to our Bremen friends' for a BBQ and then went to see New Model Army play. It was pretty cool, having not really knowing their music, then we went over to the Tower hanger and met with Steffi and Sandra to listen to the music there Jake Fairley which was also good, then we had a cocktail and went to get something warmer on. Later I ended up wandering around the whole night with Matthias and taking photos, which was great to have a DP (Director of Photography) until the sun came up.

We stopped by Bar 25 which was tucked into a nice little forest glade and found that Sven Dhose was holding court there in a pretty Naff outfit. He saw my camera and I could swear was posing for me. So I pretended to be like a Paparazzi and took a photo of him from the back. The Bar 25 apparently is the new hot spot in Berlin where everyone goes to see and be seen, but it was nice to see all the crazy things that go bump in the night, but it was time for me to get some sleep and get ready for the Sunday ahead.
After a few hours sleep it was Sunday. It is strange how Sundays at the Fusion seem to hold the best memories for me. The amazing weather, the melon bowl and great music. Everyone seems to gather at the dance floor on Sunday afternoon. All the lovely people from Bremen, Hamburg and Berlin. This is the time I guess we catch up with those people who you had not yet seen.
After a trip back to the van and a refill of the Bowl and of course reapplying sun cream the afternoon flew by, my dear friend Dirk came along and asked if Sandra and I would like to visit with Herr Dr Hoffman, which I decided might actually be a fun way to end the party. I remember at one point the DJ was mixing some Pink Floyd and it made me remember that Live 8 was probably going on at that point and that for the first time in 25 years Pink Floyd were playing together again. What a cool thing.

The Lake stage shutting used to mean, that everyone would slowly make their way back to their camping and then maybe the Shoebox, but not anymore. The party still goes on. We did go back to the camping place and relax for a while before heading off to see the end concert with the singer from NMA. But for me the place was too hot and sticky to stay so Sandra, Christian and I all headed off to the Datscha hanger where there was also some good music going on. We promptly lost Christian in the crowd so we headed up stairs and found a nice comfy sofa to sit on and look out on the land from what I can best describe a apres ski balcony. After some time, we realized that we might loose out spot if we leave to go get drinks, but then Robert, Dirk and Oli showed up and we asked Dirk if he would be so kind a to get the beers for us. He was. So again we had nice seats and cold beers and a great view. At one point Dirk wanted Whiskey so I walked with him over to the camping place because I knew where the bottle was, and then we walked back. We found Sandra and Oli asleep, so more adventures came and we climbed up the side of the rocket hanger but sadly the rocket was locked, and then back towards the camping place and found Christian and some stupid loud girl who thought I was Dutch but they were headed over to the Bar 25, but that was a little boring so I showed Dirk the Hobbit town behind the Lake Stage and then wandered back towards our camping places. We found Sandra back there chatted with her for awhile and then decided it was enough and went to sleep.

Of course we only could sleep a few hours, Dirk had to catch his ride back, but we woke to a nice breakfast from Sascha and slowly began taking the tents apart and packing the van. It was so hot. I don't remember when we left but we stopped several times on the way back to Bremen, because I was driving and I needed some good breaks. We even got pulled over by the police for a control, and although that was more than a little stressfull it all worked out cause we had all the necessary stuff on hand. They also asked me (the driver) if in the last day I had taken any drugs or alcohol, I said "In the last day? No sir not today" So they tested my eyes with a flashlight and sent us on our way. Just before we got to Bremen we drove into a CRAZY storm where you could hardly see the road before you and the wind was blowing really hard onto the van. It lasted maybe only 15 min but it felt much much longer.
After getting home, unpacking the van with all the necessary things we all took turns having showers and drank some wine and then fell asleep.
The next morning we relaxed a little and then I made my way to the train station narrowly catching it, and then again in Osnabreuck. But I got back to Den Haag around 7:30 and ran into my friend Alex who gave me the run down on the Live Aid concerts on the tram ride home. I still had time to wash my clothes and relax before going to sleep.
Sigh it was over in just a flash, I wish I had time to go to the Nations of Godwana but I doubt I can make it again before I head off to Canada for the 3 weeks in Aug. I guess it will have to be the Sea U Site at the end of Aug.