One of the reasons I came back home was because our friend Sylvia was told that she should just go home and enjoy what time she has left of her life. This has been hard on everyone who knows Sylvia, she is the kind of vibrant and alive person who we all wish we could tap into her energy and enthusiasm. The tumors grow in her every day and she is trying my types of things to perhaps slow them down, but unfortunately according to the doctors to no avail.
What was decided on was a celebration of life party in her honor.
If we build it they will come, my father and his friend built a stage in the back yard, and people came from all over our community to celebrate life.
there was the marimba players, guitarists, singers, keyboards, choirs, sing-along, Alice, dancers and many more. Not to mention that they all brought food and drink as well.
What a great party and what an amazing turnout, I guess if it was my time I would much rather have the party before hand than after when I couldn't enjoy it.
If this truly is Sylvia's time to go, then I hope she knows just how much we have all been blessed by having her in our lives for whatever it is she has brought to us as a mother, friend, teacher, healer and compassionate human being. WE LOVE YOU SYL.

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