I have to say that is is not easy saying goodbye with perhaps the knowledge that it might be the last time that I see her. My parents took me to the ferry to try and catch the 4pm, and just as we got there they would not sell me a ticket and I had to wait an hour for the next one. Which wasn't so bad but frustrating with those kinds of emotions swelling up inside.

5pm came around and me and the zillion other tourists and commuters got made their way on board, got our bus tickets and found a half decent spot on the outside desk to pass the 90 min ride. About half way across during the crossing of Active pass, the captain announced that there was Orcas on the starboard bow, my entire life I have been taking the ferry and have never seen such a sight.

There were around 15-20 in total, split in several pods, feeding off what I guess was a big salmon run or herring. What a site to see, beautiful black and white beauties with their babies in tow and teaching them how to hunt. It felt a little like it was a gift to behold.
I after the ferry I got into the city and made my way to Jen and Merlyn's place, it was so good to see them after so long and because they are my closest connection to my life in Holland in Vancouver. We made our way up to The Main on Main street and had a great catch up.
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