It was kind of fun to be singing along to the songs that I knew, and not so fun to be there for the songs I didn't. But all in all not a terrible way to spend a Friday night, especially after a great shopping spree and dinner at my favorite Irish Pub before hand.
Anyway there were a few songs from the extensive repertoire that were not played but in the end it was a listening party for the new album Have a nice Day so I guess they were obliged to play some of the new tracks. Which to be honest are not really my thing any more.
The one thing I can say after seeing more than one nostalgic blast from the past in the last few years is that they have aged well at least from the 20 meters back where I was standing.
I am not what one might call a fan, certainly not compared to come of the people that were there on Friday night, I even saw hair there that made me think back (and cringe) what mine might have looked like in 1986... Ladies that much hair spray is not good for the enviroment let alone your hair. But speaking of hair, the question that has been niggling away since Friday is....
WHAT HAPPED TO BON JOVI'S CHEST HAIR? Did some stylist come along when he was trying to break into the movies and say, you know Jon the ladies would really love it if you took it all off and became as smooth as a babies bottom, forget that macho stuff from the 80's lets heat up that wax....

Oh well does it really matter, thankfully his leather cod pieces went away with time as well as he is in dam fine shape for his age.
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