Saturday, March 03, 2012

goodbye Friend

This comes after learning of an old friend who took his own life a week ago after finding himself having made some poor choices in life. The latest having taken the life of not one but most likely two human beings. The news reports are still sketchy.
My initial feelings when I found this out was not shock but deep sadness for my old friend and his family and friends left behind.
I cannot and do not know what transpired in the last days or years of my friends' life but from what I understand it had to do with a previous relationship of love and trust and the other person was not someone who was good at either.
My friend and I grew up in the same small country town, brought up by loving parents and surrounded by opportunities & friends.
He was always generous, kind, loving and would give you the shirt off his back if he could. He was my friend, a true friend, through and through.
I can recall much good advice and many good times in his company; While I am not sure when we lost touch over the years exactly ( has it really been 20since we last spoke?) I was thrilled when a few months ago he found me via that social networking site.
He was still the same person as far as I could tell, perhaps too much so. Kind , open and generous to the point where others took advantage.
I will never know the final details or decisions of my friends' life because he is gone to another place; I hope a kinder, happier place because that is what my friend deserves.

You were loved JFL, may you rest in peace.


  1. Oh my goodness. So sorry to hear of this sad and tragic news. My heart goes out to you and his family and friends. I don't think any of us will ever know what a person goes through to come to a decision like that. Take this time to reflect on good times and memories. Big hugs Lise...XOXOXO

  2. Anonymous12:49 p.m.

    Big huggs for you dear Lise
    Xx Judith
