On Feb 9
th I went to a costume party for my friends C&W I went as Wonder Woman, H as White Trash and G as Wolverine.... After a few great hours in the company of Cat Woman, a cross dressing Wonder Woman, A
woopie cushion, 2 William
Wallaces, a
WIFI hotspot, a wanker, and William of Orange the 1st and many cats and witches we headed home.
If you live in the Netherlands and ride a bike you are at a risk of riding into a tram track it took me about 8 years but it happened. It happens to everyone!!
I wrenched my knee, there is nothing broken but the damage seems to be soft cartalidge
A X-ray and a MRI later I will find out the results on Monday.
The moral of the story is if you dress as a super hero you do not actually have Super Powers.

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