Perhaps it was not the fact the zoo felt a little claustrophobic and the huge amount of screaming kids and their families did not help me feel cozy.
Apparently even a few months ago one of the gorillias, a silverback male named Bokito escaped http://www.iht.com/articles/ap/2007/05/18/europe/EU-GEN-Netherlands-Escaped-Gorilla.php and caused injuries to some of the people there because the containment fence was not high enough and he must have just got bored with sitting around all day.
I know I would be.

I wanted most to see the aquarium tunnel they have built, it goes to show what a good photo can do as the tunnel is very short and to be honest not that exciting IMHO.
Oh well I guess it just reassures me how much I am not really a fan of zoos, in prtucular the larger animals that are held, the tigers, lepoards and large birds of prey.

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