The same as the last 8 or is it 9 years running I have been attending the Fusion Festival in Germany between the former East German holiday locations of Mirow and Wipperow around the Flugplatz Lärz. I love this place and besides the ever increasing numbers that attend this is still a very special festival and unlike any other I have ever attended.
More than less happy people running amock and having fun.I realizeee that now that I have left this way to long to log any really long important blog entry so you will get bullettt points:
it was really hot/ hotter than I remember ever in the past 9 years in June.
Sat was much the same only spent longer at the tower stage until long after dark
Sun was the lake stage as usual under the trees with all my friends having fun, the one strange note would be that Guddi and I went for a walk and saw that over in the parking lot was something on fire. many people did not notice but many more crowed to the top of the hanger near the tower stage to get a better look, thrubber necker'sss. And oddly enough it turned out to be someone I knew from Bremen who's camper/ home was on fire due to faultywiringg. Months later I found out that he lost almost everything he owned and was relying on the kindness of strangers to get him feed, clothed and fed for the months to come including my lovely German "parents" who have helped him in many ways. And to dissuade her from climbing the hanger we headed off in the direction of the Goa floor. Which was strange to say the least. In the past the only reason to go there was because they had the bestfalafell stand at the party.
At some point on Sunday night we secured a bottle of Malibu from Sabine and spent even more time wandering out Bar 25 and Datcha hanger
Arriving in Berlin on Wed evening and after a good nights sleep and a better breakfast headed for the train station to make our way there... a longish and hot journey via taxis and trains we arrived at the location.. same as every year.
Thankfully Gudrun, Sascha and Crew had already set up not only the camping place but also my potato beetle attracting tent. What does that mean exactly, well potatoe beetles happen to love the colours, orange, yellow and light green... my tent is two of the three.
We had a few drinks, and went for a wander around the land to see what was happening and what was new this year.
A somewhat early night Thursday because there was still 3 more days to go.
Friday we woke to another really really hot morning and went to test out the warm showers passing already a whole bunch of freaky people on the way and a very large pile of orange rinds. On the way back we ran into Frau Fox who I have not seen since the last Sea U Site.
Back for breakfast and catching up with old friends and of course the all important coffee to get my day going.
Did I yet mention it was HOT that whole weekend? Well it was kind of unbearable hot but thankfully there were showers and the nice Canal that you could swim in just down the road.
We did not do much on Thursday other than a few drinks and wandered around before going to sleep.

Sat morning started out really hot as well. after a nice glass of OJ (check out the piles of oranges) and then after a long wait for a refreshing shower we went to go and see what was happening
Sat seemed to fly by walking around and checking out the sights and sounds.
It seems so long ago now that I just can't remember all the details.
Needless to say it is a wonderful party with great people, almost zero agro and many many many things to say and do.

My favourite new thing? the new hobbit forrest habitat they built under the trees.
Sunday was just as hot, they sent in as usual the fire brigade to cool us down and it was just nice to hang out and spend time with my friends. On Monday it was hard to believe that we had to go and after getting dropped off at the train station only to realize that the trains only came every 3 hours or so, and it was a tiny little thing that could barely squish everyone on board. And then back to Berlin and the comfort of Andreas and Christiane's flats and hospitality.

Next year? I am taking a car!
More than less happy people running amock and having fun.I realizeee that now that I have left this way to long to log any really long important blog entry so you will get bullettt points:

- for the first time I a. took a warm shower b. swam in the canal c. visited the Goa dance floor.
- only climbed 3 hangers
- arrived by plane and train/ taxi.
Sat was much the same only spent longer at the tower stage until long after dark
Sun was the lake stage as usual under the trees with all my friends having fun, the one strange note would be that Guddi and I went for a walk and saw that over in the parking lot was something on fire. many people did not notice but many more crowed to the top of the hanger near the tower stage to get a better look, thrubber necker'sss. And oddly enough it turned out to be someone I knew from Bremen who's camper/ home was on fire due to faultywiringg. Months later I found out that he lost almost everything he owned and was relying on the kindness of strangers to get him feed, clothed and fed for the months to come including my lovely German "parents" who have helped him in many ways. And to dissuade her from climbing the hanger we headed off in the direction of the Goa floor. Which was strange to say the least. In the past the only reason to go there was because they had the bestfalafell stand at the party.
At some point on Sunday night we secured a bottle of Malibu from Sabine and spent even more time wandering out Bar 25 and Datcha hanger
Arriving in Berlin on Wed evening and after a good nights sleep and a better breakfast headed for the train station to make our way there... a longish and hot journey via taxis and trains we arrived at the location.. same as every year.
Thankfully Gudrun, Sascha and Crew had already set up not only the camping place but also my potato beetle attracting tent. What does that mean exactly, well potatoe beetles happen to love the colours, orange, yellow and light green... my tent is two of the three.
We had a few drinks, and went for a wander around the land to see what was happening and what was new this year.
A somewhat early night Thursday because there was still 3 more days to go.
Friday we woke to another really really hot morning and went to test out the warm showers passing already a whole bunch of freaky people on the way and a very large pile of orange rinds. On the way back we ran into Frau Fox who I have not seen since the last Sea U Site.
Back for breakfast and catching up with old friends and of course the all important coffee to get my day going.
Did I yet mention it was HOT that whole weekend? Well it was kind of unbearable hot but thankfully there were showers and the nice Canal that you could swim in just down the road.
We did not do much on Thursday other than a few drinks and wandered around before going to sleep.

Sat morning started out really hot as well. after a nice glass of OJ (check out the piles of oranges) and then after a long wait for a refreshing shower we went to go and see what was happening
Sat seemed to fly by walking around and checking out the sights and sounds.
It seems so long ago now that I just can't remember all the details.
Needless to say it is a wonderful party with great people, almost zero agro and many many many things to say and do.

My favourite new thing? the new hobbit forrest habitat they built under the trees.
Sunday was just as hot, they sent in as usual the fire brigade to cool us down and it was just nice to hang out and spend time with my friends. On Monday it was hard to believe that we had to go and after getting dropped off at the train station only to realize that the trains only came every 3 hours or so, and it was a tiny little thing that could barely squish everyone on board. And then back to Berlin and the comfort of Andreas and Christiane's flats and hospitality.
Next year? I am taking a car!
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