Metric showed up at a crazy little pub in Rotterdam opening for another Canadian band Broken Social Scene. Metric from the second they stepped on stage were alive and energetic and wow'ed the pants off us.. I did not think a person could move like that and play and sing all at the same time. In fact I was lucky enough to be able to take photos and have some rocking shots of the band that were not actaully totally blurred... I mailed some for the website of Rotown but I am not sure when they might be put up, and Metric have also gotten back to me since and said they love the shots and will put them on their website.. so Yay!

Either way they were amazing live, only sad thing was no Combat Baby.

Broken Social Scene on the other hand was like watching some guys jamming in their garage and smoking a little too much of the wacky tabacky. There was at least 10 people on the tiny stage and including the bass and guitar player from Metric, it had a reminiscence of PHISH or one of those jam bands like The Dead. Emily even got up and sang with the band one song, which made their music actually interesting. The first few songs were ok then they really all started to sound the same. In fact I think maybe they should have stayed in their garage and actually finished a song before going out on tour... and then to amaze me even further most of the people there were young 20 somethings who were really into the band and many who had never heard of Metric. Well I hope they were educated!
But myself and my friends who went were happy to see Metric play on a Monday night and still be able to get home to bed before 12.

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