So the day began with a nice twist of events. We found out that the shirt shipment was stuck in Mexican Customs awaiting the RED or GREEN light. After hours of phone calls and other such nonsense, we came to the conclusion that nothing could be done other than wait. The best the local guys could do is send someone out there (2 hours outside Mexico City) and wait to see if Customs releases it or not. That was over 4 hours ago and we are still waiting on news what might happen next. IF the Green light happens then we might get the shipment around the time the doors open here 7-8pm. If it is a Red light then who really knows. They keep mentioning Monday, which of course if useless to us as we will be in LA by then. Problem number 2: A shipment was sent to us, and although we were assured that it would be delivered on time, it too was stuck in customs, awaiting of all silly things payment for taxes. After another bought of frustrating telephone calls we came to the conclusion that if by chance we can make a payment for the taxes in a bank in Mexico, they might just might be able to release it and have it to us by tomorrow (Sat) so more waiting to (see what) happen(s). I ran over to the nearest bank and waited in the longest line-up known to man, only to be sent to another desk to try and explain that I need to change the USD I have to pesos to be deposited in the bank of UPS here in Mexico for of all things to then be released to Customs where the whole silly RED light GREEN light happens again….
Tick tock tick tock.
I Thank my lucky stars for ramped commercialism for the STARBUCKS on the corner.

Tick tock tick tock.
I Thank my lucky stars for ramped commercialism for the STARBUCKS on the corner.

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