Wow what an ending to an Olympic games. While mired from the start from bad/good weather, unfortunate press and the death of a young athlete, my home country did not let the world down.
Picking up their socks and pulling out the stops from day three onwards I think finally the Canadian psyche finally got the shaking up it had so desperately needed and for so long.
Canadians have almost always been the underdogs allowing for the larger nations like Russia and the US of course to dominate everything from sports to world politics.
I think it is often the sheer arrogance of the countries like America, Russia, South Korea and China being told from birth that they are the best at everything and believing it that makes them so often win at what they put their heads to. G said he could not believe how disappointed the Americans looked but that is part of the reason for this blog since I was trying to explain to him just how they as a nation are often unbeatable because they believe they are number one and how so very often to me it seems that Canada as a nation will roll over and show our bellies at the first sign of defeat.
Well I am happy to report from the far edge of my couch last night in the South East of Blighty that my home country did us proud. I have been living abroad for so long I rarely get to see hockey games but I am glad we went out yesterday and bought that TV receiver just to watch the final game. Up until now I have been watching the highlights on the BBC iPlayer the day after they have happened.
And it was exhilarating and right up until that last goal in over time, I was trying not to get top excited. Even G who does not watch sports was screaming along side me. Of course I have to also mention the Women's team who kicked butt across the Olympics and won gold a couple of days earlier seemed to never even been mentioned, which I think is a little unfair since I bet none of them get paid the ridiculous salaries that the guys do who play for the NHL.
BUT! A side from all that it was a great game to watch made only sweeter by the fact we beat the US on home soil with a audience world wide holding it's breath.
At least for the next 4 years this can warm the cockles of every Canadian heart knowing we took home gold and lots of it. It should be interesting here in Limey land in two years time to see what happens and if London can create an atmosphere to match the one coming out of Vancouver this past 16 days. I doubt it some how. This country and particularity that city have been paranoid for so long about left luggage and bomb threats it will most likely be more like the police state in the movie V for vendetta. But we shall see.
One last note on the games in Vancouver. for those who don't read more than their own local or national news services it might be a good bit of advice to know that Vancouver and British Columbia did not always come into these games with a clear conscience. How many people know that whole neighbourhoods of people were bussed out into the suburbs of Vancouver to hostels and soup kitchens so as not to tarnish the reputation of the emerald city? In Vancouver there is a few big problems that might have been helped with the money that was used to host and build for the games. Housing, drug problems and food being high on the list of things that so desperately need 'fixing" in that beautiful city. Not to mention that apparently the Olympic village on False Creek is supposed to be used for low income housing. How much do you want to bet that someone will turn around and sell them to the highest bidder because they need to money to help pay off the games. I'd put a loonie on that happening. Oh and the gag order on anyone displaying anti Olympic slogans in their homes or yards could be charged. What the heck happened to free speech?
Just some food for thought!