Already I can say this is the best convention yet as I was writing this Saturday afternoon, I have never remembered a convention where I have laughed and had as much fun as this one. Friday night started with a young lad named Toby Sebastian who wowed the whole crowd with his presence on stage as well as belting out quite a few mature and beautiful songs. Then onto the main event, Seasons End beginning to end, what a night. You can forget how great that entire album is until you hear it all again. What a great night, everyone I saw was smiling from beginning to end. The Party, Seasons End, etc etc etc.. not to mention my namesake song..
I must give a nod to the God of Thunder Thor, who played a very mean plastic air guitar for hours a’ la Angus Young, and his back up axe air-goddess on stage. Who was that woman she had stamina like none other I had seen before. n.b. Carolien v/G has contacted me to claim her prize of Air Guitar goddess! Rock on girl!
I basically saw the first light of day and had a few hours shut eye before before heading out to day 2.
I began with a visit the Marillion Museum, and then headed out into the sun where
I found Angie who also had similar intentions and joined her for a pint before heading back for the signing session where 100 lucky people got to have their items signed by the band.
Then heading back into the sun where I spent the remainder of the afternoon in the company of many fine people. Toby's father told me that he was at Lucy's rock disco and said that everyone there was between the ages of 45-65..hahaha how cute is that....
On to the second night they were playing what they called the epics. I had a argument with a very very large and tattooed Dutch man who kept telling me he thought the set list was shite, and I kept asking him why I needed to know that? In the end I told him if in 100+ shows that he has claimed to have seen of the band, and this is the first one that he disliked, then he should shut up and get over it already since in my estimation that is pretty good going. In the end he agreed and thanked me for my reason and ever since has smiled and been nice. Anyway, when the show ends with the giant confetti filled balloon's how can you not be in a good mood?
Back to the Adventure Factory, which only really looks good when it is filled with the Freaks having a great time, the dance floor and stage packed for most of it and everyone having a laugh.. seriously YMCA?! So much fun was had that one of my new Glaswegian friends fell from a height and cracked his head open only to be taken to hospital. The next day he told me that he was the First casualty on a Saturday night in two years... MW 2007 anyone? The Doctors and nurses did not seem to mind, he said he was treated like a celebrity the whole time. Bless!Back again to the Norwegian abode where I met a Norwegian Rush freak who could not get over the fact I came from Canada and did not care for Getty's nails on a chalkboard voice, I had to appease him by admitting that they were pretty phenomenal musicians but just not for me... when I told him Iron Maiden and Kiss where in the same bucket as rush in my books I was almost sure he was about to deck me.. haha, anyway I was rescued by a cool Fin called Lauren
(check out his blog
The God of Thunder, had the good sense to have a micky of Famous Grouse, big kiss to you Thor! At that time in the morning (between 2-4) is a dam fine thing to taste, even Famous Grouse. I even popped next door Kai's party to check out the vibe, but have to say the party with the folk that were over 25 was a much better one, kids these days don't know a thing about ambiance. Even Kai said so as he came over to the dark side. Henk and Kees were there enjoying themselves to no end, both had been part of the film crew again and were feeling pretty good about the whole thing.
Again I think I was crawling into bed around the time dawn was breaking.
Sunday, hmm. knowing it was all coming to an end and yet still not sure what the day would bring I have to say I was eager to get up and find out for myself what Sunday had in store.
As I was leaving the apartment I could hear my Glaswegian neighbours laughing at their poor friend with the stitches. Everyone was still in a great mood.
Back over to find the Merch shop, where I ran into Jon and Alexis which was lovely to see them both, especially Alexis who I had not seen in ages and later that night her husband and old friend Rob, My condolances to them for the loss of their daughter at the end of last year. She was a very special girl. Then back thought the Market hall to find a handful of the Norwegians double fisting coffee and pints, and looking very very dehydrated... After a good laugh at them I went out for some sunshine and found Angie and Mark and a few others in the sun. Mark gave me his seat as he had to fix some kind of keyboard thingy so I enjoyed a pint before heading over to the Challenge the band session. This time the Cakey boys were running the quiz because they kept winning all the other years. This years' challenging team was called Susan's End, where Mark promptly make the joke., 'I look forward to beating Susan's End" And guess what? they did!
The concert was a little late because h was doing poorly, there was a tense moment or two if he would be able to sing or not. But he did and it was beautiful. What a set list! I was teasing those who asked as I had seen it in the afternoon but gave nothing away, no one predicted the three oldies that got played... and the end with the confetti rockets during Neverland, sheer wonderful madness. What an amazing way to end. The last night always gets the crowd in such a mood where whole groups of fans gather for group shots and fun. And guess what next.... back to the bar for a last night of revelry. It was pure magic, although by this time the whole stage was getting filled by those who wanted to express their inner rock-god. But to save the day was the god and goddess of the blow up air guitar who put everyone else to shame. Everyone was in such a great mood.
One last night of fun with the Northern Men (and I must ask, where are their women?) It truly can be compared to Vikings who left their homeland and wives to travel across the oceans to pillage and plunder before coming home again. Thankfully there were no battle axes but only beer to fuel their fun. As predicted the party was great fun again, the brave souls of Genuine Freak Show were there and Erik who even made an appearance.. good fun again and back home before the first light of day.
Woke up after a few hours sleep and packed my things, drove over to wake up two of the Norse- men who I promised to drive to the Train station in the Hague, saw some more of the friends and said goodbye. As we were leaving the park Andreas's phone rang and it was Fish on the other line wanting to know how the weekend was... surreal of what?
Stein, Andreas and I sang along to 'old' Tears for Fears all the way back to the Hague. Where we tried to remember our five favourite snippets of the weekend, imagine if you were to make a trailer of your life for that weekend, what would it say, epic blockbuster or bitter-sweet drama? I'll get back to you on that one, cause now that I have make the first pass at my 2500 photos and am down to about 1700 I still have a lot of work to do.
So as I finish typing this I will crack open the very last can of strongbow I rescued from 345 and raise it in a toast to all you fine people who helped to make this the Most Memorable Marillion Weekend ever! Cheers!
Post script (26.03.09): Sorry guys I could go on and on but some really important people who help keep this big happy family together need ... A big Word UP! To my friends at the fan clubs, Germany, Holland, UK and France! (Laurent please send me your email).. you will be hearing from me shortly. kiss!